Saturday, September 12, 2009


至于个中原因,戈登·盖洛普的解释是:精液中含有的雌激素、黄体酮和睾丸激素等都能对抑郁症有治疗作用。因此,他的建议是:亲密男女在交合的时候,能不用套,就别用套。       小宝无疑也是“不用套主义”的坚决拥护者,为了强化这种观念,他在自己的文章里讲过一个谋杀故事:      


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

看着很有趣 裘千丈?裘千刃?

两个人开始吵起来了 徐晋如文《文怀沙贱人还是大师》:
  2007年 冬,我在海南参加至友和兄长张远山的巨著《庄子奥义》的新书发布会,那次会上我最盼望见到的旅美学者李劼没能出席,但他的贺信由远山的夫人代为宣读了一 下。我印象最为深刻的是,他在那封贺函中说我们这个时代的文化低于海平面以下。的确,这是一个堕落的时代,它之所以堕落,是因为整个社会不再有评判是非的 标准,这又是一个喜剧的时代,它之所以具有喜剧效果,是因为那些肮脏的虫豸,都能摇身一变,成为社会上的好人物。不学无术、人格卑下反受世之隆誉的,触目 可见。而其中最为成功的“秀士”——作秀之士,除了上海那位深情含泪的先生,就得数“被国学大师”的文怀沙了。
最早知道文怀沙,是在1999年。那个时候,我结识了一位曾与文怀沙在中医学院同事的先生Z教授,我们在谈钱钟书的时候,Z教 授说,钱先生不招研究生,因为“考我的研究生不是为了利用我就是为了害我”,照说是很懂鉴人之术的,但他当年就上过文怀沙的当,差一点要和文结邻而居,最 后看穿文的真面目,就不再来往了。我马上问,文怀沙是谁啊?他想来想去,说,就是一个江湖人吧。他又跟我讲了三件关于文的事。第一件,是建十三陵水库那会 儿,中直机关、各大院校都去义务劳动,有一天毛泽东去了,文怀沙多长了一个心眼,估计毛要题词,他先抢先占好桌子旁的位置,毛一题词,他就上去铺纸,果 然,他的形象被摄进了相片里。在以后很长的时间内,这帧照片就挂在他家大厅,成为他向人炫耀的资本。(我后来见到很多江湖人物,抓住一切机会蹩到名人身边 合影,学足了文怀沙的这一套。)第二件,是京剧大师梅兰芳的高足言慧珠出访日本,从日本给文带了一双袜子。本来,送袜子是日本人的一个非常普通的风俗,可 是文怀沙在办公室里大声对所有人说:“言慧珠言老板,从日本给我带回了一双袜子,你们知道是什么意思吗?——你蹂躏我吧!你践踏我吧!”我听了这件事,当 时差点就吐了!人怎么可以下贱猥琐到这种程度?第三件事:有一位号称“诗词界的公关小姐”的中专生J,专以用色相勾引老头为事,人送对联曰“能叫老头都入彀,可怜小姐未成家”。J送了一张半裸照给文怀沙,文怀沙人老心不老,每天放在枕边,临睡前非得狠看上几眼,否则无法入眠。(J现在已经是某著名学者的博士后了,这充分说明“卑鄙是卑鄙的通行证”是绝对真理。)
但是,令我惊讶的是,过了好些年,竟然看到媒体上说,文怀沙当年是写诗骂江青而给送进了秦城,这与我所听说的情况差别太大了!而且竟然还有人吹捧他是“国 学大师”,这不能不使我追问:我们这个社会究竟是怎么了?难道就没有一点天理、没有一点良知、没有一点基本判断力可言了吗?
当然,从逻辑上说,我所听到的未必是真相,文怀沙也许真的像他自己所标榜的,是一个“正清和”(文説孔子講正氣,純粹是胡説八道。孔子學説,没有講氣的。講氣是孟子開始的。是吸收了道家理論。)的没遮拦人物,如果文怀沙能反过来证明我提及的两位先生都是诽谤,我 愿意向文怀沙道歉。但是就算文怀沙不是像我上面所转述的那样的贱人,他也离国学大师的标准差距太远了呀!要知道,中国人在传统上都是宽容的。黄侃先生据说 风流不羁,好色如命,这丝毫不妨碍他是一位真正的国学大师,文人好色,在中国传统上来说,是小节。但好色而不能下流,这应是一个基本原则。不仅如此,即使 在很多人看来大节有亏的一些学者,如瞿兑园、钱梦苕,还有被迫参加了梁效的冯友兰先生,我们依然认为他们是国学大师,因为他们的著作具在,而且无法超越。 然而,文怀沙又有什么可以拿得出手的传世著作?不要说传世著作,哪怕是具有最低限度的学术水平的著作、论文都没有!这样的人能够“被国学大师”吗?难道就 凭他活得长?就凭他飘胸的银髯?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Adelaide urged to eradicate student divide[Newspaper]


LOCAL and overseas students at the University of Adelaide move in "different worlds" and something must be done urgently to bridge the divide, the universities quality agency has warned.

Adelaide had to do more to sell students on the benefit of interaction, as the attitudes of domestic and international student bodies seemed part of the problem, the Australian Universities Quality Agency says in an audit report.

AUQA praises other aspects of Adelaide's approach to internationalisation, and vice-chancellor James McWha said the agency had pointed to a challenge facing the sector and civic leaders as overseas student numbers rose.

"We are in danger of having two discrete populations of students that don't engage particularly closely with each other," he said yesterday.

Asked about the problematic attitudes of students, he said: "(Often) local students will only engage in events where alcohol is involved and some of the international (student) groups won't involve themselves with that."

Professor McWha said overseas students who arrived 20 to 30 years ago found themselves "welcomed and kind of adopted" by locals such that they could go home knowing "how Australians think and act".

"(But) as the numbers (of overseas students) have grown, that kind of engagement has become less and less (pronounced)."

Adelaide has lately experienced sharp growth in its overseas student body. Most are onshore and concentrated in two faculties. About half are from China, a proportion higher than the sector average.

In 2005 Adelaide considered capping enrolments from certain countries in particular programs, but was advised this would breach anti-discrimination law.

AUQA suggests Adelaide should look at capping enrolments of international students generally in disciplines or faculties where an imbalance in the student body affects the learning experience.

"If we're not careful, we can end up promising an Australian educational experience (yet) importing students into little ghettos of students from their own country," AUQA executive director David Woodhouse said.

Professor McWha said Adelaide hoped to do more recruiting from the Americas, Europe and the Middle East rather than resort to enrolment caps.

Survey results show "high levels" of satisfaction among overseas students at Adelaide, AUQA says. But these students are concerned about lack of work experience in some programs, and language support. AUQA says Adelaide should improve language and other support as it pursues more postgraduate students from overseas.

Although some within the university argue it should lift its English language entry standard to the level demanded by other Group of Eight universities, AUQA says the most important issue is to provide effective language support.

The report says if the university accepts the students, it should ensure they graduate with appropriate English language competence.

Chinese police quiz human rights petitioners(From Newspaper)


CHINESE police have begun questioning writers, artists and intellectuals who dared to sign a new charter demanding political reforms.

The move sets the mood for the year in which the Communist Party will mark the 60th anniversary of its rule.

From across China, reports are emerging of officials and even police calling in some of the 303 people who put their names to Charter 08, a document calling for greater civil rights and an end to the political dominance of the Communist Party.

The co-author, literary critic Liu Xiaobo, has been in detention since December 8, the day before the bold manifesto was published online.

Another signatory, a professor of philosophy at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, has written an open letter describing how he was notified by his superiors that the charter was "nonsense" and he should retract his signature. He refused.

Other signatories have been questioned but declined to be identified for fear of reprisals.

One source said: "People are being called in and questioned about who organised the manifesto and whether they had signed in person. We hear that the leaders at the top have decided that they cannot tolerate Charter 08."

The interrogations had been mostly polite, he said. The aim appeared to be to identify the organisers.

Liu, 53, one of four leading intellectuals who joined the student protesters in Tiananmen Square as they demanded greater democracy in 1989, was detained almost a month ago for his role in putting together the manifesto. His wife, Liu Xia, was allowed to visit him on New Year's Day at a secret location outside Beijing.

A source close to the family said: "She was not allowed to see where she was taken and Liu Xiaobo didn't know where he was being held.

"He is being taken care of and is well fed but he undergoes interrogation every day."

The source said Liu, who has spent several years either serving a jail sentence or in detention, was in good spirits but was not allowed access to books, television or newspapers. "He could not tell his wife very much, because the police were present throughout their two-hour meeting and lunch together."

Liu's lawyer, Mo Shaoping, said he was being held under a form of house arrest called residential surveillance but that legal procedure had been violated because Liu had been removed from his home.

Residential surveillance can last for up to six months, and renewal is possible. That means Liu could be held until after thesensitive 20th anniversary of the June 4, 1989, Tiananmen Square protest.

Among the signatories to Charter 08 is the former top party official Bao Tong, who put his name to the document, describing himself as "a citizen".

In an essay written from his Beijing home, he wrote: "Would the powers that be please tell 1.3billion people why freedom is a crime?" Mr Bao was jailed for seven years after the 1989 crackdown and lives under close surveillance.

The Times